Guest reviews

what our guests are saying about us

In recent years, we have been able to inspire many guests by consistently specialising in the areas of relaxation, adults only and wellness. Thanks to the ongoing feedback we receive from you, we are able to continuously improve our services. We would like to thank you for this!

Here you will find links to the most popular review platforms. See for yourself what others have to say about us!


What our guests are saying

Guest reviews on Holidaycheck

The hotel rating platform in the German-speaking world.
Here we have upheld our "Recommended” status for many years, with a consistent average rating of 5.8 out of 6 possible stars. Thank you for your positive feedback!

Guest reviews on Tripadvisor

Tripadvisor is the international travel review portal where many of our international guests have given us top marks. We are always pleased to receive such great and open feedback. We promise that we will continue to strive to maintain this high level of quality in the future.

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Karwendel magazine
Discover relaxation tips, delicious recipes and the most beautiful corners of the Seefeld region.
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Take a look at our adults only hotel